KPIF information conference calls follow-up

UNAIDS hosted 2 Q&A conference calls with PEPFAR representatives in order to allow civil society organisations willing to become Prime Recipients of the Key Populations Investment Fund to ask questions in relation to the opportunity. The Regional Platform-EECA team was able to participate in the first call.

Key points are listed below.

  • The review committee is to include representatives from key populations and experts in the fields, indicated in the NOFO. Though the selection process will be taking into account that the committee members do not have any preferences among the applicants.
  • The first level for the selection of Prime Recipients is aimed at people able to submit the proposals and work in English. Later on in the process, the PRs will have the opportunity to work with organisations working in local languages as sub-recipients and beneficiaries.
  • There will be only one round of applications for the selection of the Prime Recipients.
  • The list of key populations that are to be included into the applications is exhaustively presented in the NOFO.
  • The funds can be used for direct services provision and it is one of the key areas to apply for, though each application will be looked at individually. Innovative ideas will be considered, but PEPFAR expects applicants to include existing best practices and improvement of the current mechanisms. (see section Emerging best practices on p.16 of the NOFO)
  • Consortiums are welcome to apply, though the award will be made to one organisation, that will be ultimately responsible for managing the funds and reporting.
  • UN agencies can be part of the consortia, but not to be PRs.
  • Applicants should check what PEPFAR, the Global Fund and other technical partners are already doing in the area to exclude any potential duplication.
  • Cross-country and cross-regional applications are welcome. New ways of working together and new partners from various sectors are encouraged.
  • The budget limits are 500 000$ to 10 mln $ regardless of the geographical coverage of the application.
  • It is possible to include work with only one key population, one area, one country or multiple.
  • Human Rights programming not directly linked to service level outcomes can be supported. There is a clear need for ongoing monitoring and addressing of stigma, discrimination, violence and PEPFAR will be looking for ways of approaching this.
  • The applications can come from both key population led organisations and organisations with a proven track record and credibility of working with KPs and consortiums of both.
  • Technical Assistance for communities can absolutely be part of the proposal. The partial goal of this Fund is to support the sustainability of the projects to be funded and PRs should request whatever they feel they need to build sustainable programs, incl. TA for the PRs themselves or the SRs.

Over the upcoming weeks we will also be able to share a link with more detailed responses and more Q&A information.

More information about the opportunity is available in the TA Opportunities section of our website.