5% Initiative : OPEN Call for proposals 1


The aim of the launch of the present Call for Proposals is to select projects that complement the Global Fund with a view to improving access for marginalized populations to high-quality health services based on strategies suited to and integrated into local communities.

In this context, access to health services is understood as access to information, prevention, diagnosis and treatment.


The priority marginalized populations intended to benefit from these projects will be the following:

1) Rural populations, notably those living in very isolated areas, fishing and farming communities.

2) Vulnerable populations:

  • Mobile and migrant populations
  • Young girls and women
  • Children and adolescents


A number of different types of project may be proposed:

  • Operational research projects
  • Capacity-building projects for national and community actors

They must correspond to the objectives of the Call for Proposals in all cases.

Admissibility and eligibility criteria


“Expertise France” will verify initially that proposals submitted meet all the following criteria for admissibility:


Projects must have a duration of 24 to 36 months.

Amount requested and geographical coverage

  • The total amount of the grant will cover 60% to 100% of the budget for the project and will be in the range €250,000 – €1,000,000 for projects implemented in a single country, and in the range €250,000 – €1,500,000 for projects implemented in more than one country.
  • Projects cannot include more than five implementation countries unless they are backed by an existing network or sub-regional organization. Clear justification for such a regional logic must be given and will receive close attention from assessors.

Status and partnerships

In order to be able to apply for a grant the applicant:
§ must be a legal entity with a head office in an eligible country or France and
§ implementation must be in partnership (more than one organisation involved) and
§ must include at least one partner from the beneficiary countries and
§ must not have bylaws that would not permit Expertise France or any other external auditor appointed by Expertise France to perform checks and verifications on site and enjoy an appropriate right of access to sites and premises where the project is to be conducted, including their IT systems, and access to all documents and computer data relating to the technical and financial management of the project.

Completeness of applications

The applications submitted must contain all the documents and information requested and listed in the Call for Proposals (block 6).

For projects considered admissible, Expertise France will proceed to verify that they meet the following three criteria:

  •  The project’s objectives must match the purpose of the Call for Proposals.
  •  Projects must be compatible with a logic of reinforcement and complementarity with regard to Global Fund grants.
  •  The principal applicant organization must possess sufficient management capacity to manage the requested budget.
    Management capacity will be established on the basis of the presentation of the organization, its financial statements for the previous two years and its estimated budget; also notably taken into account will be the organization’s experience of managing similar budgets and its possession of adequate human resources.

Only projects meeting all the above criteria will be assessed.

Proposals are accepted till 23.05.2016!

EECA countries:

  1. Albania
  2. Armenia
  3. Georgia
  4. Moldova
  5. Ukraine

More detailed description of admission conditions, evaluation criteria, requirements to budget, list of documents necessary for proposal and all necessary annexes are available on the 5% Initiative website.

Do you have any questions? Do you need help? Contact us.