Human rights: overview of main publications

Basic documents on human rights in terms of fight against HIV and TB epidemics.

In spite of significant progress achieved in the sphere of fight against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria during last 15 years, there is a range of factors determined by violation of human rights, which prevent millions of people to have access to services on prevention, cure and care:

  • People living with HIV and tuberculosis still feel stigmatization and discrimination due to their state of health.
  • Women and girls are widely subjected to gender inequality and violence.
  • Sex-business workers, man having sex with men, transgender people, people, using drugs, imprisoned, migrants and refugees do not have necessary access to medical servicesand are subjected to marginalization in restricted legal and social circumstances.

Strategy of Global Fund is “Investing for impact” for 2012-2016 pursues five aims. One of them is directed to protection and promotion of human rights by:

  1. consideration of issues regarding human rights on all levels of grant implementation;
  2. increase of funding of programs aimed to elimination of obstacles of access to treatment, connected to violation of human rights; and
  3. elimination of Global Fund support of programs if they allow human rights violation.

Below you can find a range of documents which will help you to learn more about the topic of human rights as one of the aspects of CRG Special Initiative (Communities, rights and gender), and one of the most important aspects of effective fight against HIV an TB.

  1. 1Focus On Human Rights – (Global Fund publication)

This publication illustrates principal aspects of human rights topic, regarding GF programs and response to epidemics: from basic facts and statistics to more detailed problems description.

  1. Brochure On Complaints Procedure On Human Rights Abuse

This publication will tell in short about GF strategy regarding human rights.

GF highlights 5 minimum norms in the sphere of human rights for programs, which supports:

Programs funded by Global Fund:

  1. should provide non-discriminating access to services for all people, including detainees.
  2. should provide use of officially approved medicines and kinds of medical practices checked using scientific methods only.
  3. should not include methods, allowing tortures or those which are cruel, inhuman or degrading.
  4. should be aimed to respect and protection of informed consent, provision of confidentiality and right of privacy while conducting medical examination, treatment or healthcare service provision.
  5. should not allow imprisonment for compulsory treatment and compulsory isolation which can be used only as drastic measures.

This brochure contains more detailed descriptions of each norm, examples of adherence and potential violations and detailed information on who and how can complain on violation of human rights.

Feel free to download the “Know your rights” poster, supporting the leaflet.

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  1. Human rights in terms of HIV, TB and malaria and grants on healthcare system strengthening: informational note

In accordance with new funding model, candidates are strongly recommended to include programs on human rights into their concept notes.

Current newsletter contains guidelines and practical examples of programs on human rights, which, in case of including into concept notes, will considerably contribute to increase of people health level and enlargement of access to healthcare services.

  1. Discussion document: Human rights in the context of fight against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria

This publication tells about human rights in the contexts of:

  1. public healthcare
  2. Global committee on HIV and legislation
  3. current situation analysis
  4. fight against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria
  5. Global Fund new funding model (NFM)
  6. UNDP and opportunities for action from their side
  7. Tuberculosis and human rights: informational newsletter

This document describes:

  • why human rights are important in the context of fight against tuberculosis,
  • how to conduct assessment of the situation with respect to compliance to requirements of including human rights issues into a concept note,
  • basic provisions of development of events in the sphere of human rights,
  • importance of databases reinforcement,
  • links to useful resources and key documents on this issue.
  1. HIV and human rights: informational newsletter

This document describes:

  • why protection and support of human rights are important in the context of fight against HIV/AIDS,
  • determination of priority measures of human rights involvement into concept notes,
  • planning of implementation tools in the sphere of human rights connected to HIV/AIDS,
  • database reinforcement for reasonable and effective coverage with basic programs and implementation tools,
  • links to useful resources and key documents on this issue.
  1. FAQ: Human Rights in the New Funding Model
  2. Zero discrimination 2015″ leaflet

More about human rights:

Global Fund website