Your voices on GF Board meeting
- 08.11.2016 01:57
- Post Views: 1,044
In 10 days in Montreux (Switzerland), 36th Board meeting of Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria (GF) will be held, therefore communities and countries of our region (EECA) which are significantly influenced by GF programs, have to identify our priorities among issues which will be discussed.
Apart from usual reports of Executive Director, General Inspector office and range of other questions “for information”, main issues which influence us (and which will be considered while decision-making) will be as follows:
- «Sources and use of funding», namely, results of 5th Replenishment (process of funds involvement to GF for next 3 years of work, 2017-2019), in the amount of 12,9 billion US dollars and further regional and country allocation of these funds, special foundations.
- Adopting updated financial policy and so called “catalytic investments” (additional stimulating funding from special reserve fund aimed for large-scale and significant changes) for the period of 2017-2019. (NB! incl. the decision about termination/prolongation of the CRG SI and regional platforms)
- «Sustainability and transition». Thought, this will be not a separate question, rather constituent of other questions, including points 1 and 2, this is current and really disturbing reality for countries and communities of our region.
Please, note that Global Fund issued information on eligibility of countries for funding in the next 3-year period – from 2017 to 2019, and dates of application submission in 2017.
Only 13 EECA countries are eligible to apply for funding depending on the disease burden.
However, eligibility, according to GF rules, does not mean funding allocation. Countries with upper-middle income (UMIC with any disease burden: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan) and countries with lower-middle income (LMIC, with low and moderate disease burden: Armenia, Uzbekistan) and country grants and co-funding from any reserve fund should focus on the beginning of transition, include questions of key communities, based on plans of sustainability and transition in 2017-2019.
- Important issues on Board meeting will also be: Assessment of Global Fund work (Key Performance Indicators), its internal structure and approaches to work in countries (Country Coordination Mechanisms) and elections of new GF Executive Director.
Anton Basenko will take part in GF Board meeting as a part of Communities Delegation. As a representative of Communities Delegation, he will be happy to hear your thoughts, ideas, comments and offers regarding these issues to create a final viewpoint of Communities Delegations. Please, send your e-mails to:
We are looking forward to your feedback till the end of working week – Friday, November 11, 2016.
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