Learning session on Implementation of Component 2 of the Global Fund’s Community Engagement (CE) Strategic Initiative (SI) in Ukraine: what is being planned to support communities in 2024 – 2026


  • to inform the civil society including communities’ representatives in Ukraine and key partners about the activities being planned for the implementation in this country as a part of the Component 2 of the CE SI during the next 3 years, explain their aims and objectives, expected results, impact and how the communities’ representatives could be involved and benefit.
  • to facilitate synergies, collaborations and partnerships among Component 2 partners, EECA Regional Platform and communities and civil society at the country level.

Target audience: communities of people living with and/or affected by HIV and TB in Ukraine, representatives of KAPs, CSOs working with these communities and KAPs in this country as well as technical partners.


Date\Time: 21.10., 14.00 – 15.30 Kyiv time

Length: up to 1.5 hours

Language: Ukrainian\English with simultaneous translation

Where: for participation in the session please register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qfuyqqjgiH9dgASWNIkN2H0an7mpHviNX


  • Representatives of TBEC (regional partner)
  • Representatives of TB People (national partner)
  • Representatives of NSWP (regional partner)
  • Representatives of Legalife (national partner)
  • Representatives of Y2Y (regional partner)
  • Representatives of Way Home (national partner)
  • Representatives of GF CRG Team

Facilitation – EECA Regional Platform

Structure of the Learning Sessions’ agenda:

  • Welcome, brief overview of the session’s objective and agenda
  • CE SI and its Component 2:
    • CE SI overall aim, objectives, approach etc.Component 2: general information, an overview of the results, challenges and lessons learnt from the previous cycle, outcomes of the evaluation report
    • Information about the new phase: new partners within the Component 2, countries and communities to be covered, key focus of the Component 2 activities, etc.)
  • Presentations of the implementing partners including:
    • Brief introduction of the partner and its role in the project.Overview of the activities planned for 2024 – 2026 in the country and expected results.
    • Opportunities for engagement and collaboration: how can communities beyond the immediate partners engage/benefit.
  • Moderated discussion