Assessment of the fulfillment by the governments in 9 EECA countries of their commitments to ensure a sustained HIV response among key populations in the context of the transition from Global Fund support to national funding

In 2020, the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA), being the part of the Global Fund funded EECA multi-country HIV project “Sustainability of Services for Key Populations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, developed a conceptual framework, methodology, and transition monitoring tool to help key populations most affected by HIV strengthen their capacity in monitoring the transition of HIV response from donors’ support (particularly, the Global Fund) to national funding. The assessment is tracking the implementation of government commitments to ensure the sustainable HIV response among key populations within those programmatic areas of a key priority for them.

In 2021, EHRA piloted the developed methodology and tool in nine countries in the EECA region to assess the fulfillment by the governments of their commitments to ensure a sustained response to HIV among key populations in the context of the transition from Global Fund support to national funding. The assessment was conducted in the following countries: Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tajikistan, and Montenegro. To implement it, EHRA involved local consultants. National experts from various sectors, including the public sector, communities, and relevant NGOs, were also involved in the assessment in each country.

The 9 reports resulted from the conducted assessments as well as the report providing a brief overview of the results of the assessments are available for download here:

The results of all 9 assessments were presented to the national partners at the online webinars and also at a number of a different national level thematic meetings. The Global Fund Portfolio Managers working with relevant countries were provided with the assessment reports and informed on the results as well.

In 2022, EHRA is planning to update and improve the assessment methodology and tool based on the results of pilots. And in 2023, the organization will conduct a reassessment in some countries.