EHRA is looking for a Consultant to develop Info Note on 4 Delegations to GF Board

Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA) within the implementation of its EECA Regional Platform project is aimed to develop a brief Info Note for the civil society and community representatives in EECA on 4 Delegations to the Global Fund Board.

Goal and objectives of the document

Briefly and with a plain language to inform the representatives of civil society and communities in EECA region about the structure, composition, mechanisms and principles of work of below listed 4 Delegations to the Global Fund Board which could be the closest alias in advocating for the interests of key affected populations to get on the Global Fund’s agenda:

– Delegation of Developed Country NGO’s;

– Delegation of Developing Country NGO’s;

– EECA Delegation;

– Delegation of the Communities Living with HIV, TB and affected by Malaria.

The document should also help the representatives of civil society and communities to understand why and how they could be better involved into the work of these Delegations.

The document should include among other content chapters:

  • lists of members of each Delegation from EECA region,
  • list of references,
  • active links on all relevant and available documents and resources containing information about the Delegations,
  • other attachments if needed.

Consultancy task

EHRA is looking for an expert to develop Info Note including: the development of its plan and structure; conduction of desk review of the relevant documents and literature; conduction of interviews with members of 4 Delegations; development of the content of the document.

Expected result

A document should not exceed 15 pages, including the annexes. Document could be in English or Russian.


EHRA will pay a lump sum for services indicated in Terms of Reference (below). Total fee for services under this ToR is 2100 USD. Payment will be done within 10 days after services provided and confirmed by EHRA.

How to apply

The candidates are invited to submit their CV and Letter of Interest by e-mail referenced under title “Consultant to develop Info Note on 4 Delegations to GF Board” to by 24:00 EET, 20 of June 2018.

Please see more information in the document below

Terms of Reference