Technical assistance: what is it? (online GF course)

This course will tell what technical assistance (technical support, technical cooperation) is, and why, when and where you can receive it.

 On the Global Fund website, you can find a range of useful online courses, which will help you to better understand its processes, importance and ways of your participation in them.

One of them — «Understanding what technical cooperation is».

Target audience: CCC (country coordination committees), primary recipients, civil society, technical partners, organization and communities networks.

How to work with the course?

You have an opportunity to watch video (21 short episode) online, with the possibility to follow written text on the right from the image, or in the script in PDF format and clarify terms, unknown to you, in the glossary with alphabetical index, download set of materials for this course (video, text, glossary) and go back to it offline, if necessary.

After the end of this course, you will learn more about:

  • meaning of term «technical cooperation» (technical assistance, or support) and how it is connected with Global Fund new funding model
  • different kinds of existing TA
  • TA principles
  • different technical partners and existing funding sources
  • priorities and opportunities on different levels of granting cycle
  • what is constant and intersectoral technical cooperation
  • how to present a request for technical cooperation
  • funding of special initiatives
  • Special initiative on technical assistance on issues of communities, rights and gender.



In the TA opportunities section we regularly publish current offers form donors for receiving TA and funding.

In the TA cases section you can follow description of real situations of technical assistance requests in EECA region with useful links, conclusions and recommendations.

You can also subscribe to our listserve on TA opportunities and receive updated information to you email.

If you have any questions on Technical assistance – probably we can help.