TB learning opportunities from the Union

The Union offers a wide variety of international courses and national courses in a variety of formats and languages at the request of national TB programmes.

A comprehensive list of all international courses for 2016 is available here. Below we list the most relevant ones and the ones you still have a chance to take part in.

International courses

International Course on the Clinical Management of

Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

(Bangkok, Thailand —  – 

Deadline for application: 5 September

Tuition fee: 1300 euros

Course programme 

Details about the course and how to apply

Principles of Tuberculosis Care and Prevention:

Translating Knowledge to Action

(New Delhi, India —  – 

Tuition fee: 2,000 euros

Course programme

Details about the course and how to apply


Courses available upon request from national programmes

TB-HIV Clinical Management Course

Course Description

This intensive course covers fundamental facts about TB-HIV clinical management and the latest evidence and experience. Theory is complemented by practical learning through case studies and role plays. The content can be adapted to the country where the course is being held and ample time is allotted for participants to share opinions and clinical questions. The aim is to harmonise clinical management of co-infected patients and provide both TB and HIV clinicians with the skills needed to deliver high-quality care even in resource-constrained settings.

This course is available in a 3-day or 5-day format and is offered at the request of the national programmes.

Email: tbhiv-courses@theunion.org

For information about organising a national or other on-request course, please click here.