Global Fund Technical Brief: Gender Equity

This Technical Brief provides practical guidance for countries in using a gender equity approach to maximize the impact of programs resourced by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund).

Gender equity means everyone has an opportunity to attain their full health and well-being according to their respective needs, with no one disadvantaged due to gender norms, roles and relationships. The main audience for this brief is stakeholders who are directly involved in country-level processes to develop and write funding requests for the Global Fund.

While this brief’s focus is on gender equity, the Global Fund recognizes that achieving health outcomes requires equitable approaches – whereby everyone has a fair opportunity to attain their full health potential. The Global Fund continues to support programs towards gender equality as an approach to reaching health equity outcomes. This includes addressing the fact that women and girls often face greater barriers to health information and services due to cultural gender norms, often having limited influence over resources within the household and society while at times in the life cycle having greater needs for services, such as reproductive health services.

This brief sets out key concepts, resources, and opportunities within the Global Fund grant cycle to integrate a gender equitable approach. It also complements other materials produced by the Global Fund to support countries to develop strong funding requests.

Technical Brief: Gender Equity