
Expertise France announces the publication of the 2019 calls for proposals within the framework of the 5% Initiative Channel

The two focus areas are strengthening health systems at all levels (community to national) and access to care for vulnerable populations

The Global Fund is establishing a pool of Technical Assistance Providers for the implementation of Programs to Reduce Human Rights-related Barriers to HIV, TB and Malaria service

The Global Fund has issued a Request for Proposal for provision of implementation capacity building support for programs to reduce human rights-related barriers in HIV, TB and malaria (RFP TGF-19-003).

Alliance for Public Health announced Call for Proposals within its new GF regional project for 5 Balkan countries

Alliance for Public Health (Ukraine) has announced an open Call for Proposals to support sustainability of HIV responses in the five countries of Southeastern Europe within its new multi-country HIV grant supported by the Global Fund (which has been started from this month).

The Global Fund has supported the expansion of the regional project to 14 countries!

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria supported the request for additional funding of a new regional project worth $2.5 million.