Survey on community advocacy

Defining a new AIDS activist agenda for a new era

Since the beginning of the AIDS pandemic, community activism has consistently been the engine of the AIDS response, indispensable for driving political commitments, resource allocations, community development, and non-discriminatory legal frameworks needed to end AIDS. Recent developments threaten the sustainability and safety of ongoing activism related to HIV, its social determinants, and structural enablers.

ICASO is working with its partners to explore the current state of activism and advocacy related to HIV based on its recent Call to Action. It is time to regroup, reexamine, and formulate a new agenda prioritizing saving lives and fostering well-being.

We invite you to take part in this participatory process to sound out the global community through this online survey, available in multiple languages. With the results of this survey, regional discussions, and key informant interviews, we hope to develop a consensus around a new global HIV advocacy agenda at the International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2024) in Munich. Your input to help build a re-invigorated HIV advocacy movement is much appreciated. Please share this survey with community colleagues and activists. Note that the responses will be kept anonymous.