Step Up for TB campaign to World TB Day 2018

Stop TB Partnership has launched a Step Up for TB campaign that calls upon governments to urgently update their practices in line with international guidelines by World TB Day 2018.


The Out of Step report by Stop TB Partnership and Médecins Sans Frontiéres (MSF) shows that many countries need to bring their testing and treatment practices up to date since they are currently using outdated policies, practices, and tools.

You can join the campaign through the website:, which also includes possible messages for social networks and successful examples of how people from all over the world are taking part in the process.

Besides, the website includes a checklist of necessary components that each TB program should include and downloadable resources (incl. a factsheet, banners for Facebook and Twitter, a map of key indicators in top 100 TB-incident countries and the Out of Step report) you can use in yours or your organisations’s campaign.
