Call for Application: Delegation Members for the Developed Country NGO Delegation to the Board of the Global Fund

The Developed Country NGO Delegation to the Board of The Global Fund to Fights AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is seeking four new members to join its delegation.

More information (including the full terms of reference) can be found below. 

How to apply:  

To apply, please submit the following to Daniel Townsend, Constituency Focal Point, by 6 pm EST on May 27, 2022

  • Curriculum Vitae (maximum two pages)
  • Cover letter (maximum 2 pages): should outline the applicant’s understanding of and experience with the Global Fund, their vision for the Global Fund’s future, and what they perceive as the delegation’s key priorities to ensure the Global Fund achieves its mission.
  • Two letters of reference (1 page each; 2 pages total):
  • One letter must be from the applicant’s affiliated organization agreeing for the applicant to represent the organization;
  • Letters must be signed and on your organization’s letterhead