The Briefing Papers , Policy Briefs and Community Guides by NSWP

In this publication we would like to share with you some publications of the Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) – an organization which exists to uphold the voice of sex workers globally and connect regional networks advocating for the rights of female, male, and transgender sex workers.

NSWP is the lead agency of the Sex Worker Networks Consortium which is one of the Global networks of HIV key populations which received support within the second component of the CRG-Strategic Initiative for the period 2017 – 2019.

– The Briefing Papers and their accompanying Community Guides available at:

– The Policy Briefs and their accompanying Community Guides available at:

– The Smart Guides available at:

These Smart Guides include a Smart Sex Worker’s Guide to the Global Fund, one on the Global Fund transition and one on the Global Fund 2017-2022 strategy.

All these documents are available in Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish and you can change the language to create the relevant link to your platform by clicking on the language on the top right-hand corner of the relevant webpage.