Key decisions of the 36th Global Fund Board Meeting

The 36th Global Fund Board Meeting took place in Switzerland on 16-17 November.

The 36th Global Fund Board Meeting took place in Switzerland on 16-17 November.

The Board discussed a set of important questions and made several crucial decisions:

  1. The results of the successful launch of the Global Fund Fifth Replenishment (2017-2019), that took place in Canada earlier this year, were presented and the importance of continuing to actively engage to mobilize increased resources throughout the Replenishment cycle was highlighted; a decision was made to create an action plan for this work.
  2. The Board approved the Amended and Restated Comprehensive Funding Policy.
  3. The sources and plans on allocating the resources in the new funding cycle were discussed. Several decisions were made: the Board approved USD 11.1 billion for the 2017 – 2019 allocation period – USD 10.3 billion for country allocations and 0.8 billion USD for catalytic investments.
  4. Within the above-mentioned 0.8 billion USD, the Board provided the Secretariat with flexibility to distribute the money, regularly updating the Steering Committee and the Board on the process.
  5. The process for hiring a new Executive Director for the Global Fund was adopted, including approval of the TOR and the candidate selection procedure by means of voting.
  6. A corporate working plan and a 300.0 million USD budget for operational costs for the Global Fund and the OIG were adopted.
  7. The Key performance indicators were discussed. With the aim of supporting the Global Fund and its partners in the implementation of the 2017-2022 Strategy and achieving the maximum possible effectiveness, the Board made a decision to continue the work on analysing the proposed Strategic Key Performance Indicator Framework taking into account country data and creating a specific Advisory Group that would take charge of this process.
  8. The decision about the date and place of the next Board Meeting was made: it will take place in Kigali, Rwanda, on 03-04 May 2017.

The full text of the report is available in English. All supporting documents will gradually be available on the Global Fund website.

The Regional Platform-EECA is planning a webinar on the results and outcomes of the Board decisions for the region. Follow our updated on the website and the Facebook page and do not miss it.