International Management Development Programme (IMDP): 2016 courses from the Union

In order to help countries improve the management of health programmes, The Union has designed a series of courses that address challenges faced by national programme managers and healthcare administrators in limited-resource settings. The Union’s International Management Development Programme (IMDP) strengthens health systems by training health professionals in the specific management competencies that are essential for healthcare programmes to provide quality care for patients.

For a comprehensive list of all courses available in 2016 and more information on the programme in general, please see the brochure or visit the International Management Development Programme (IMDP) page of the Union website or the IMDP website. Below we describe the courses that you still have a chance to participate in.

Please note, most of the described courses are designed for middle- to senior-level professionals.


(October 10-14, 2016 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

This five-day course focuses on bringing in accountability of monitoring and evaluation for ensuring project completion on time within budgeted costs.

Participants in this course will be able to develop different levels of indicators for project monitoring and evaluation, strengthen the process of supervision, audit and data collection, and demonstrate di erent means and methods of monitoring and evaluation.

Language: English.

Registration deadline : Friday, 26 August 2016

Course fee: USD 1,650.

For more details please visit the Union’s website or got to pp 20-21 of the brochure (see the image below).



(November 28– December 2, 2016 – Dubai, United Arab Emirates)

This five-day course will help participants appreciate and develop the managerial dynamic necessary to elicit a high performance from sta and bring an awareness of leader- ship styles and strategies to interact with di erent kinds of people at work or elsewhere.

Participants will gain an experiential understanding of how to build inter-personal relationships that can balance the task focus of managers and leaders. They will gain insights into why adopting a coaching and mentoring style of managing can be highly productive in task accomplishment and gain an understanding of how to go about building a positive culture at work.

The course combines exercises, case studies from real health management situations and role-playing simulations. Participants will address speci c managerial problems from their own countries and strategic issues a ecting public health programmes globally.

Language: English.

Registration deadline: Friday, 14 October 2016

Course fee: USD 1,650.

Please visit the IMDP website to register.

For more details please visit the Union’s website or got to pp 22-23 of the brochure (see the image below).


Strategic Health Communications

(Sep 26 – 30, 2016 – Dubai, United Arab Emirates)

Participants will gain a greater understanding of effective communications strategies for promoting health programmes and disseminating important health messages to the public.

This five-day course will focus on practical skills and tools to support the development and implementation of public health communication programmes. Participants will learn how to create powerful health education messages and communication materials that can assist them in establishing useful connections with journalists and media.

Course Fee: USD 1,650 
Language : English
Registration deadline : Friday, 02 September 2016
To register, please visit the IMDP website.

Supply Chain Management

(Nov 7 – 11, 2016 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
The objective of this five-day course is to provide participants with the practical knowledge and skills to effectively manage the antituberculosis medicines and laboratory commodities needed in today’s TB programmes.

There is increasing collaboration and coordination with TB programmes and many of the topics covered in this course can also be applied to the management of antiretroviral drugs and HIV diagnostics.

The techniques presented in lectures will be applied during realistic case exercises and simulations related to pharmaceutical supply management (PSM).

Fee : USD 1,650 
Language : English
Registration deadline : Friday, 23 September 2016
To register, please visit the IMDP website.
All courses fees are USD 1,650, residential package fee available at USD 2,250 (course fee + USD 600 for accommodation and breakfast).