Call for Membership to the Developing Country NGO Delegation to the Board of Global Fund

The Developing Country NGO (DCNGO) Delegation is seeking applications from the following regions where there are gaps in Delegation representation. 

In each region, if you meet the criteria and live in one of these countries where the Global Fund has active grants then please apply:

  • Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. 
  • The Eastern Mediterranean Region: Algeria, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Morocco, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tunisia, or Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen (through the Middle East Response (MER) initiative)
  • Latin America: Belize, Bolivia, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay, Peru, Nicaragua and Venezuela

DEADLINE: Midnight Monday 5 February, 2024. CAT – If you have what we are looking for then please apply – the application takes time to compile so please don’t delay.

Please note the Eligibility Requirements

  • Evidence of living in a developing (lower income) country, in the following regions: Central Asia, Eastern Mediterranean Region, and Latin America.
  • Possess understanding of the scope of work of the Global Fund, its partners and its processes 
  • Linked to the national grant in your country – either directly or having a solid understanding of what’s happening in your country linked to the Global Fund grant.
  • Belonging to a NGO, CBO, FBO, community network, etc. that works with the Global Fund – this could mean the following: Representing civil society or communities on the CCM or actively engaging with the CCM and national Global Fund processes; acting as a civil society or Community Principal Recipient (PR); Sub Recipient (SR) or a sub-sub recipient (SSR). 
  • Have minimum 5 years of experience in front-line NGO work in 1 or more of the 3 disease areas (HIV, TB and malaria)
  • Ability and capacity to communicate and network effectively and broadly (must have functioning communications linkages such as: Internet, telephone, computer and email) 
  • Be culturally competent in communicating with diverse peoples & groups. Skills in communication, finance and management procedures are an added advantage.
  • Possess diplomatic and strategic political skills including capacity to think and work strategically and independently.
  • Must demonstrate ability to work in written and spoken English (additional languages (French, Spanish and …. What else the Global Fund uses) are greatly desired and welcomed).

This call specifically focuses on key considerations as we look for the following expertise, qualities and capacities:

  • Adolescents and young people
  • Expertise in one or more of the three diseases (HIV, TB and Malaria). Preference will be given to candidates with strong expertise in TB or malaria expertise
  • Finance and management of Global Fund grants at national levels
  • Sustainability, Transitioning and Co-Financing
  • Health systems strengthening (HSS) as well as community systems strengthening (CSS) 
  • Community Led Monitoring (CLM)
  • Key populations in all their diversity and gender
  • Fundraising ability noting we are seeking to fundraise for the constituency

Please see more details and how to apply in the attached document