Civil Society Statement from the three pre-meetings in advance of the Global Fund Partnership Forum

Three building blocks to a new Global Fund Strategy: Tackle the barriers, invest more in communities, maintain the focus on HIV, TB and malaria

The Global Fund has launched a process to develop its new Strategy, which will cover the five years from 2023–2028. As a part of this process, the Global Fund is organizing in February – March 2021 the 6th Partnership Forums to review input, evidence and guidance received on strategy development to date to help identify areas of future focus for the next Global Fund Strategy.

More than 100 civil society representatives met together online during a series of three civil society pre-Partnership Forum virtual gatherings held over the last two weeks of January 2021. These meetings were organized by the Global Fund Secretariat and had the same regional breakdown as the Partnership Forums themselves. They offered an opportunity for civil society representatives to strategize on collective community and civil society priorities for the 2022–2026 Global Fund Strategy and prepare for how they could be presented and discussed during the Partnership Forums.

This statement summarizes several of the key messages from across the three pre-meetings. The outcomes build on and complement the results and findings from consultations that civil society and communities have been organizing for several months as well as the policy and advocacy documents, position papers, and other statements that they continue to prepare as part of the Strategy development process.

You may access the Civil Society Statement from the three pre-meetings in advance of the Global Fund Partnership Forum here