
The EECA Resource Center is aimed to gather all necessary information about issues on communities, rights, gender, technical assistance and anything, connected to activities of the Global Fund and other donors in the region. Here you will find publications, videos, links to learning courses and a lot of other useful information. We are always open to your suggestions, comments and will be happy to post your resources in our Resource Center.

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Community, Rights and Gender (CRG) investment packages

to assess stigma, gender-related and service-related barriers, and set up community-led monitoring

Out in the cold: Community-led services abandoned as donor funding declines in Kyrgyzstan

In January of 2019, the landscape of support for many people living with or affected by HIV in Kyrgyzstan had changed radically. The middle-income country, already facing declining donor funding for the HIV response, had the services of their three community-led, non-governmental organisations(NGOs) put to an end.

Joint input into the Global Fund Strategy Development from key affected communities and civil society from CEECA region

This document is structured around questions proposed by the Global Fund for the Strategy Open Consultation process.