Toolkit: National social dialogues to guarantee the participation of civil society and community organizations and key populations in the preparation of funding requests for the C19RM 2.0 of the Global Fund

The content of this document is aimed to encourage the involvement of CSOs and key populations groups in the preparation of the GF C19RM funding request within a broader framework of social dialogues with different key actors in the country.

The toolkit offers an overview of the contents, processes, requirements and steps that need to be carried out by key actors, with an emphasis on CSOs and communities of key populations, allowing them to self-organize strategically and thus ensure their participation in decisions regarding funding requests. To this effect, the toolkit also offers a series of methodological and participatory resources to identify needs and priorities and to advocate, as well as practical advice to ensure NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND.

The toolkit is a resource designed only to support the processes; it must be accompanied by the determination and genuine commitment and action to support a real participatory and inclusive process. Therefore, it requires time (there is not much available), resources for communication, but above all, meaningful involvement.

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