Brief HLM events calendar 2

HLM side events

6 June

  • Fast Track Cities: ending the AIDS epidemic – all day, NY Public Library

7 June

  • HIV and Security – 1000 to 1200,
  • The end of AIDS as a global health threat, science based or science fiction?- 1300 to 1500
  • Stopping new infections, a quarter for prevention – 1530 to 1730
  • Financing vulnerabilities – 1800 to 2000
  • What women want breakfast – 730 to 930, convened by Athena, at Ford Foundation
  • Youth pre-meeting – all day, led by youth advocates with UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNESCO
  • Parliamentarians for ending aids – 1400 to 1530, convened with Inter-parliamentary Union

8 June

  • Delivering the AIDS free generation (prevention of vertical transmission) – 1330 to 1500
  • Breaking the silos: integrated services for adolescent girls and young women – 1830 to 2000, with OAFLA, GAVI and USG
  • 90 90 90 and human resources for health – time not set

9 June

  • Interfaith breakfast – 730 to 900, convened with World Council of Churches Ecumenical AIDS Alliance
  • Technology, innovation and the private sector – 730 to 930
  • Address global health emergencies: aids, Ebola, Zeka and other emerging epidemics – 1300 to 1500