AIDS 2024: Communities, Rights and Gender in the Focus of the Global Fund: vision for 2024 – 2026 and how EECA region fits in it

24.07. at 13.00 join the community Dialogue with the Head of Community, Rights & Gender Department in the Global Fund Secretariat

Date/Time:     24.07 13.00 – 14.00

Location:           HALL A1, AD08

Invited key speaker:  Vuyiseka Dubula, Head of Community, Rights & Gender Department, Global Fund Secretariat

Session moderator:  Ganna Dovbakh, Executive Director, Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA)


This session is aimed to help civil society and communities’ representatives from EECA to better understand what the CRG Department is, its new structure, what is the CRG Team’s approach for 2024 – 2026 grant cycle, what is different from the previous cycle, and how communities from EECA could become better engaged and cooperate with the Department.