Joint Statement of 3 Delegations to the Global Fund’s Board сalls for critical reforms to further strengthen CCMs

In a joint statement, the Communities Delegation, Developing Country NGO Delegation, and Developed Country NGO Delegation to the Global Fund’s Board have called for critical reforms to further strengthen the Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) that oversee the implementation of Global Fund programs. The statement recommends a series of actions aimed at improving the governance, inclusivity, and sustainability of CCMs to ensure they are better equipped to respond to the global health challenges of HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria.

The delegations emphasize the need to build on the progress already made by the Global Fund and make several key recommendations. These recommendations aim to ensure that CCMs are more inclusive, accountable, and better equipped to manage Global Fund resources effectively. By strengthening these mechanisms, the delegations believe the Global Fund can achieve a greater impact in combating HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria, and contribute to the goal of ending these diseases by 2030.

The full joint statement provides further insight into these recommendations and their potential to improve the governance and operations of CCMs.