19.10. Webinar – Global Fund Advocacy in a Changing World: Charting the Path Forward

Join the Communities Delegation, the Developed and Developing Country NGO Delegations to unpack the Global Fund’s Advocacy Roadmap, with a focus on strengthening the leadership, engagement and funding of communities and civil society. 

Translation into Russian, French and Spanish will be provided by Global Fund CRG Communication Platforms.

WhenOctober, Thursday 19th at 2- 3:30pm CAT.  

Register here to receive the login details and add this to your calendar.

This webinar will follow a GFAN webinar taking place on Wednesday 18th and dive deeper into key challenges facing civil society and community-led advocacy including:

  • Attacks on civil society and community organizing at the country level
  • Threats to civil society and community-led organizing at the international level 
  • Decreasing funding for civil society and community-led advocacy 
  • Rollback of human rights, gender, and equity 

Speakers: In addition to hearing from the Global Fund and the three delegations we also have two speakers sharing key examples of challenges: 

  • Aibar Sultangaziev, Partnership Network, Kyrgyzstan
  • Kuraish Mubiru, Uganda Young Positives, Uganda

The Advocacy roadmap describes how the Global Fund will take action to sustain the advocacy ecosystem and deepen its partnerships with and support for communities and civil society in its own advocacy efforts to strengthen HIV, TB, and malaria responses and mobilize resources to sustain lifesaving health programs, including through the Global Fund.