Survey: Satisfaction of communities with engagement in Global Fund Funding Request development

Please take part in a survey and help the Global Fund to understand how satisfied communities have been with the process of developing Funding Requests. Any information that you share here is anonymous. This means the Global Fund will not be able to link your answers to you individually. It should take about 5-10 minutes to complete this survey.

Survey link:–2rOFIiTyrA8wCKSZUNTgzN0tQWjVGVUhWSzBXMUY3TkEyWjZaNC4u


The Global Fund is seen by many as a leader in its approach to community engagement. The Global Fund Strategy 2023-2028 highlights the important role of community leadership and engagement in achieving its goals and mission. This includes a commitment to maximizing the engagement and leadership of most affected communities to leave no one behind.

To help measure progress towards this commitment, the Board approved the development of the first ever Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in this area. In consultation with community and civil society actors in 2022 this KPI is designed to measure how satisfied communities at different stages of the Global Fund grant cycle.

Communities are being asked to fill out three short surveys. Each survey asks questions about community satisfaction at a specific point in the Global Fund grant cycle (Funding Request, Grant Making, Grant Implementation). The following describes the Global Fund’s “Minimum Expectations” about how communities should be supported to engage at the Funding Request stage:

Funding Request and Allocation Letter:  A transparent and inclusive consultation process with populations most impacted by HIV, TB and malaria (across Gender and Age) during FR development resulting in an Annex of Funding Priorities of Civil Society and Communities Most Affected by HTM as an output.

Given the limitations of an online survey, the information from this survey will be used along with other data, such as community-led thematic evaluations, to help the Global Fund better understand patterns and trends in how communities engage.

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