UNAIDS Publishes new Report on CLM Evidence

Community-led monitoring (CLM) involves affected individuals overseeing health services, analyzing data, and advocating for improved service delivery, especially in HIV, tuberculosis (TB), and malaria. Despite being overlooked, CLM is gaining recognition for enhancing health programs’ effectiveness, quality, and accessibility. It empowers communities, strengthens networks, and supports local leadership. During the COVID-19 pandemic, CLM demonstrated adaptability in addressing medicine shortages and expanding its approach. Besides improving health systems, CLM fosters relationships between grassroots organizations and government bodies, promoting advocacy for better care. As health stakeholders embrace CLM, evaluating its current state and integration into community-driven responses is crucial. The report outlines CLM’s value in HIV services, enabling environments, community strengthening, and policy shaping.

This report synthesizes the available information on the value of CLM in four key areas:

  • HIV and health services.
  • Creating an enabling environment.
  • Community systems strengthening.
  • Crafting better-defined policies and investments.