Webinar: Community Engagement During GC7 Grant-making

Dear Civil Society and Community Groups,

On Thursday 22 Jun 2023, 4 pm Kyiv\Vilnius time we would like to invite you to join the Webinar on Community Engagement During GC7 Grant-making. The webinar is hosted by the six CRG Regional Platforms (part of the Global Fund’s Community Engagement Strategic Initiative).

The purpose of this webinar is to prepare communities to engage during grant-making processes for Grant Cycle 7 of the Global Fund. Grant-making begins as soon as feedback from the Technical Review Panel (TRP) is received, and continues until the grants are signed. Engagement of communities is critical during this stage of the funding model, yet, there are often obstacles to meaningful involvement. This session will share new requirements and guidance, as well as showcase how communities in three countries are preparing to engage.

Draft Agenda:

  1. Overview of Global Fund’s Minimum Expectations for community engagement during grant-making (Svetlana Dupriez, Global Fund Access2Funding Department) (10 minutes)
  2. Make Or Break: How Civil Society And Communities Can Engage In Global Fund Grant-Making Processes For Grant Cycle 7 – New Guidance for Communities (Mary Ann Torres, ICASO) (10 minutes)
  3. Case of Burkina Faso: How communities are engaging during grant-making (Issoufou Tiendrebeogo, Association African Solidarité [AAS]) (10 minutes)
  4. Case of Venezuela: How communities are engaging during grant-making (TBC) (10 minutes)
  5. Case of Pakistan: How communities are engaging during grant-making (Asghar Satti, APLHIV) (10 minutes)
  6. Q&A and Discussion (40 minutes)

Language: English with simultaneous translation into Russian and few other languages.

How to join: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89845039405

Meeting ID: 898 4503 9405

When: Thursday 22 Jun 2023 ⋅ 4pm – 5:30pm GMT+3 (Kyiv\Vilnius time)