TBEC Webinar “1/4/6х24: a campaign to rally energy, political will and funding to end TB”

Originally published on tbcoalition.eu

Civil society and TB-affected communities’ representatives are invited by TBEC to the second practical webinar in the series “The ABC for a TB Activist” which will take place on June 15, 2023, from 15:00 to 15:45 Kyiv time.

The topic: 1/4/6х24: a campaign to rally energy, political will and funding to end TB.

The essence of the 1/4/6×24 campaign is that by the end of 2024 the countries, pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies would have taken all necessary measures to scale up access to the shortest treatment regimens recommended by WHO: one month or once a week for TB prevention, four months for drug-susceptible TB, and six months for drug-resistant TB.

Guest speaker David Branigan from Treatment Action Group will tell cover the following topics:

– What is the 1/4/6×24 scheme about?

– Why is the introduction of short regimens so important for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of people with TB?

– The effective advocacy strategies for scaling up access for regimens and detailed consideration of the main requests and target groups of the campaign.

The opportunities for CSOs and TB-affected communities to include advocacy activities aimed at introducing short regimens in countries into proposals for the new Global Fund allocation cycle will also be discussed.

Languages of the event: Russian and English with simultaneous translation.

Webinar registration:


You can find the webinar Agenda at the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C6Ur9hcKf1ab5yvcotWgL9ZeyPjVR78t/view?usp=sharing