Webinar: Assessing the fulfillment of commitments taken by the government to ensure the sustainability of HIV response among key populations in Montenegro in the context of transition from the Global Fund’s support

Presentation of the assessment framework, methodology and results followed by the discussion with webinar participants.

When: 16.02.2021, 14.00 Podgorica time. Expected duration of the webinar: 1.5 hours.

How to take part: to participate in the webinar please register at:   https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkcu-oqDMpGtfJKF3AAT42tmcTPoOsHCtx

Language: English and Montenegrin with simultaneous translation


Ivan Varentsov – EHRA Sustainability and Transition Advisor, co-author of the concept, methodology and tools to assess the fulfillment of commitments taken by the government to ensure the sustainability of HIV response among KAPs in the context of transition from the Global Fund’s support.

Vladan Golubovic – EHRA consultant, independent public health expert (Montenegro), author of the report on the results of the assessment of the fulfillment of commitments taken by the government to ensure the sustainability of HIV response among KAPs in Montenegro in the context of transition from the Global Fund’s support

Webinar agenda:

  • Introduction, review of the agenda, about the project, rules (7 min)
  • Conceptual framework of the assessment and its methodology (15 min)
  • Global Fund related transition context in Montenegro (10 min)
  • Details and nuances of the assessment process in Montenegro (10 min)
  • Results of the assessment of the fulfillment of commitments taken by the government to ensure the sustainability of HIV response in Montenegro (20 min)
  • Discussion (25 min)

See the report “Montenegro: Benchmarking Sustainability of the HIV Response among Key Population in the Context of Transition from Global Fund‘s Support to Domestic Funding”

The publication was prepared within the framework of the regional project “Sustainability of Services for Key Populations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia which was carried out by the Alliance for Public Health, in a consortium with the 100% Life (All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH), the Central Asian HIV’ Association and the Eurasian Key Populations Health Network with the aid from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria.

In case of any questions related to registration/participation in the webinar – please contact ivan@harmreductioneurasia.org

Webinar materials