The Robert Carr Fund Request for Proposals 2021

The Robert Carr Fund announced a Request for Proposals 2021 to award grants for funding cycle 2022-2024.

Through this RFP, the Robert Carr Fund aims to further the aims and objectives of the Fund’s Strategic Plan 2020-2024 and to amplify the mission and vision of the Fund, while responding to the unique challenges and opportunities of this time.

The Robert Carr Fund recognizes that programming to strengthen social enablers, human rights and gender equality, as well as responses led by communities of ISPs, are complex, and require longer-term investments. Therefore, the Fund intends, in this funding cycle, to support continuity, so that well-performing existing partners can build on their achievements.  At the same time, the Fund wishes to encourage applications from new, emerging networks, especially those which represent populations and regions which are current under-served in the fund portfolio. 

Global and regional networks and consortia of networks, which meet the definitions and criteria set by this RFP, are invited to apply for a grant to support core funding and/or activity needs of the networks and/or consortia for three years (2022-2024).

Applications will be requested for submission from 10 May 2021 till 11 July 2021 12:00 (noon) CEST.

For more information please see:

The Robert Carr Fund in collaboration with UNAIDS and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria will be conducting a series of global and regional webinars to introduce the funding priorities and eligibility as well as other aspects of this Request for Proposals. Following the next link you will find further details about the webinar series, including language of presentation and how to sign-up: