Tuberculosis, Gender and Human Rights Technical Brief

The Global Fund’s strategy includes an objective about “Promoting and protecting human rights and gender equality”, recognizing the urgent need to eliminate health disparities among men, women, adolescent girls and boys, and transgender people.

With regards to tuberculosis (TB), this objective describes the need to:
• Scale up programs to support women and girls, including programs to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights.
• Invest to reduce health inequities, including gender- and age-related disparities.
• Introduce and scale up programs that remove human rights barriers to accessing services;
• Integrate human rights considerations throughout the grant cycle and in policies and policymaking processes.
• Support the meaningful engagement of key and vulnerable populations and networks in Global Fund-related processes.
Funding requests to the Global Fund should include, as appropriate, interventions that respond to key and vulnerable populations, human rights and gender-related barriers and vulnerabilities in
access to services.
The purpose of the technical brief “Tuberculosis, Gender and Human Rights” is to assist Global Fund applicants to consider how to include programs to remove human rights and gender-related barriers to TB prevention, diagnosis and treatment services within funding requests, and to help all stakeholders ensure that TB programs promote and protect human rights and gender equality.

The full version of the technical brief “Tuberculosis, Gender and Human Rights”.