We’re not there just yet: A joint statement on harm reduction and the Global Fund Sixth Replenishment

Last week, governments philanthropic donors and the private sector pledged US$14 billion for the Sixth Global Fund Replenishment. But this was the minimum amount required and will not be enough to meet 2030 targets.

“In Central, Eastern Europe and Central Asia region we are trying not to loose hope for sustainable social and medical help to people using drugs. After all these years of spending public resources mainly for keeping people who use drugs imprisoned, very slow progress in domestic support to harm reduction, multiple cases of human rights violations, it is hard for communities to be still encouraged. That is specifically hard in states with repressive drug policy and criminalization of drug use or possession. With this GF replenishment it is critical to bring catalytic resources for system changes to communities in CEECA. For activists to know they are not alone in advocacy for access to services and human rights protection for people using drugs” – said Ganna Dovbakh,
Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA).

Please read a Joint Statement on harm reduction and the Global Fund Sixth Replenishment by Harm Reduction International, EHRA, International Network of People who Use Drugs and India HIV/AIDS Alliance.