Every word counts: TB language guide Issued/developed by: Stop TB Partnership, UNOPS

The key paradigm shift in the upcoming Global Plan to End TB 2016-2020 is ‘changing the mindset, language, and dialogue on TB, which will put people with TB at the centre of the global TB response. This should start with acknowledging that the language commonly used to speak about TB must evolve.


For whom: all stakeholders, incl. TA providers, civil society and communities representatives, governmental structures, etc.

What for: Language influences stigma, beliefs and behaviors, and may determine if a person feels comfortable with getting tested or treated. Just as the HIV/AIDS community would avoid using terms such as ‘AIDS control’ or ‘AIDS suspects’, the TB community should shift to more empowering, people-centred language to help bring TB out of the shadows and encourage people to speak about it in their homes, communities, and workplaces.

end TB

(Click on the image to view and download the guide)