Call for applications: European Tuberculosis Research Initiative (ERI-TB) core group

The WHO Regional Office for Europe invites individual experts to apply for membership to the European Tuberculosis Research Initiative (ERI-TB) core group.

The establishment of ERI-TB is one of the key milestones of the TB action plan for the WHO European Region 2016–2020 and its accompanying resolution. Furthermore, strengthening implementation/operational research is a key pillar in the action plan and resolution on the use of evidence, information and research for policy-making in the WHO European Region.

The specific objectives and the structure of the ERI-TB is provided in the TOR.

The ERI-TB core group is being established to provide expert input for ERI-TB work. The ERI-TB core group will consist of a maximum 15 members and include a member of the WHO European Advisory Committee on Health Research and/or a member of the Expert Group on the Cultural Contexts of Health and Well-being of the WHO Regional Office for Europe, as well as a wide range of experts who are currently working in the Region, including researchers and public health practitioners, national TB programme managers, experts from health-related humanities and social sciences, representatives from academic institutions, technical and funding agencies, community representatives, ex-patients, and civil society organizations with substantial expertise and experience in areas related to TB prevention, control and care.

The initial appointment of members will be for a period of two and a half to three years in order to ensure a 6-month overlap of half of the members. After two years, the membership of the ERI-TB core group will be reviewed, whereby members may be reappointed.

ERI-TB core group members should meet the following criteria:

1. currently working in the WHO European Region;

2. substantial experience of working in TB and/or related research field;

3. sound knowledge and understanding of WHO policies and national health policies;

4. prior experience in translating the results of research/operational research into policy and practices;

5. fluent in spoken and written English;

6. available to participate in telephone conference calls and/or online correspondence and


Information on the selection criteria can be found in the TOR.

Interested candidates should send their motivation letter and curriculum vitae to

Deadline for submitting applications is Monday, 31 October 2016, at noon (CET).