Experts for the Technical Review Panel

The Global Fund is currently recruiting additional HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and health, rights and development experts to join the Technical Review Panel (TRP).

The TRP is responsible for assessing funding requests for technical merit to ensure Global Fund investments are positioned to achieve the highest impact and contribute to the achievement of the new Global Fund Strategy 2017-2022: Investing to End Epidemics and its core objectives of:

  • Maximizing Impact Against HIV, TB and Malaria
  • Building Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health
  • Promoting and Protect Human Rights and Gender Equality
  • Mobilizing Increased Resources

All relevant information (call for applications, links to application forms, the TRP member profile, FAQs etc.) can be found on this page.

The closing date for applications is Monday, 5 September 2016. The recruitment process is expected to be completed in October 2016 with decisions to be taken on selected candidates by the Board’s Strategy Committee.

Nominations for Shortlisting Panel
There are three steps leading to the appointment of new TRP members:

i) screening of applications by the external recruitment company, Devex;

ii) shortlisting by a panel of technical experts made up of one person per party: external recruitment company, TRP and technical partners, for each of the following expertise areas: HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and health, rights and development experts; and

iii) final recommendation to the Strategy Committee by the Strategy Committee Working Group on TRP Matters.

We kindly request you to reach out to your networks to encourage applications from suitable experts who are interested and available to perform this important function. To recommend a candidate, please send an e-mail to: with name and contact details for this person (and area(s) of expertise, if possible). The recruitment company, Devex, will then contact this person and solicit an application from this expert.