ACTION report. From policy to practice: How the TB-HIV response is working

A Global Health Advocacy Partnership (ACTION) has published a new research report From Policy to Practice: How the TB-HIV Response is Working and launched it at the 2016 International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa.

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The report shows that policy improvements have not all translated into changes at the facility level. Moreover, the burden to carry out TB-HIV activities still falls heavily on under-resourced TB programs. The report highlights the need for the HIV and TB communities to join forces and finally give this deadly issue the attention it deserves. The report includes specific recommendations for high TB-HIV burden countries, for donors (the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, UK DfID, U.S. PEPFAR, and the World Bank), and for advocates regarding how they should fight the dual epidemics of TB and HIV.


Main findings include:

  • The burden to support key TB-HIV activities still falls heavily on under-resourced TB programs.
  • Lack of appropriate tools undermines the TB-HIV response.
  • Policy improvements have not all been translated into changes at the facility level.
  • To achieve an effective TB-HIV response, more investment in human resources is needed.
  • Donor assistance does not fill all of identified gaps in TB-HIV collaborative activities.

Source: ACTION