During the UN General Assembly in New York in June 8-10 2016, there will be a high level meeting on HIV/AIDS. This ACTION ALERT aims to inform civil society organizations about how to get involved in the meeting.


It describes key features of the process, mechanisms for civil society involvement, the Stakeholders Taskforce and the Outcome Document. It also provides concrete guidance on key advocacy actions that that can be taken now. You can read and download the ACTION ALERT here: or on our website.

With technical  support of Regional Platform, ENPUD member, INPUD Board member, Global Fund Advocates Network Speakers Bureau member and Alliance for Public Health employee, Anton Basenko, was successfully nominated by Alliance and ENPUD for participation in Stakeholder Task Force for the 2016 High Level Meeting and received an invitation from the head of UNAIDS Michel Sidibe to take part in preparation of High Level Meeting on ADIS/HIV 2016 as a representative of Stakeholder Task Force of UN General Assembly President.


More here: Anton Basenko received an invitation to take part in preparation of High Level Meeting on ADIS/HIV 2016

Read  AIDS Action Alert